We care about your health and wellness.

How We Started

woman show weighing scale

Our company started last year. Our experiences prompted us to start this company. We were in the same boat as many of our clients. Many are dying simply because of lack of knowledge and access to wellness products. That’s what makes us decide to start this company—to help others and leave an impact in their lives through fitness and wellness products and coaching services to help them improve and manage their health. With technology, we are able to reach out to clients all over the world.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help our clients achieve a healthy lifestyle by taking a sensible approach to wellness care that’s based on science and made with what you need in mind.

Vision Statement

We envision becoming a top choice for high-quality wellness products and counseling services for individuals looking for ways to effectively improve and manage their health and well-being.

Our Founder’s Bio

My success didn’t just happen overnight. My journey has been with lots of trials and errors. I always thought I was a super mom until life came crashing upon me at a very young age. Discovering what weight has done to me, I just wanted at this point to lose the weight. Little did I know my journey was going to transform my body, mind, & soul. I have been a pre-diabetic for about 5 years. My PCP told me to change my lifestyle—diet and exercise. I was doing everything “right” to control my blood sugar. I was always looking forward to getting to 40. Since they say “life begins at 40.” On the contrary, my life was about to end at 40. I had aches and pains in every joint in my body and my skin was tender to touch. I was told I had fibromyalgia and will be put on Lyrica. I am a mother of 5, full-time nurse on a med-surg/oncology unit, wife, caregiver to elderly parents, full-time student (FNP), loyal friend, and provider to many. Many of you can relate.

After a year of physical and emotional pain, I asked God for a do-over. Everything changed when I was told by my PCP I had become full-blown diabetic. My soul crumbled. He said he would start me on Metformin which is going to help with my blood sugar and weight. I took Metformin for a month, but gained weight instead. For someone who hates taking pills, I had to come up with a plan “B” to avoid diabetes and prevent its complications. My late father was a diabetic for more than 50 years with no complication; managed with proper diet and physical activities. In 2006, he developed a blister, and long story short, he got an infection and was amputated thigh high. The picture of my dad on a wheelchair was a motivational factor for me. I then decided to grab the bull by the horn.

Throughout my journey, I then realized everything I was doing for my health was the opposite of what I should have been doing. Four months into my journey, two days before 2019 thanksgiving, I got the best news ever. I received a call from my doctor’s office that my liver enzymes are back to normal and I was no longer a diabetic. My aches and pains all gone, which means my diagnosis of fibromyalgia was not something to discuss about anymore. I was now able to manage stress better and I became a happier me. I started my journey on July 4th, 2019 with the heaviest I have been, 233.8lbs. My goal weight was 180lbs, but I got down to 186lbs by Jan 2020 and I was comfortable with my weight.

Many are suffering and dying either because of lack of knowledge or they were provided the wrong information. I want to use my story and experience to help others. Everyone deserves the opportunity to live a quality life. Let’s make food our medicine and eliminate the old doctrine of making medicine food.”

Our mission is to teach people how to use food as medicine and not vice-versa. Our vision is to get many to understand the importance of listening to our bodies and targeting the underlying cause and not use medications to relieve symptoms temporarily. If the underlying causes are not targeted, the illness becomes chronic and might lead to other medical conditions.

Stay tuned. There’s lots of life changing programs and therapies coming up at FidiCle Health and Wellness, LLC.

Get in Touch
We’d love to hear from you. Send us a message with your inquiries and concerns here.